Thursday, February 14, 2008

What’s On My iPod - Upstate: A Novel by Kalisha Buckhanon

Buckhanon. One of our sponsors L. Peggy Hicks of Tricom Publicity donated the books to the children for them to read and discuss. I must admit, I wasn’t excited about reading it as I am not a big fan of Urban Fiction so I ordered the audio version so I could at least take part in the discussion. Well, I missed that meeting and never took the time to read or listen to the book. But this past week, I noticed that the book was on my iPod so I decided to listen to it, and I am glad I did.

It is a love story, between Antonio and Natasha, and it grabs you right from the start! The narrators Chadwick Boseman and Heather Simms are outstanding, and this book is a rare audio find! Now I hate I missed the discussion, because I know that this was a treat for our teens.

There is some very strong language and sexual content; however with parental consent I think it is an excellent book for teens. It is a real story that tells it like it is. I highly recommend it.

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