Friday, November 02, 2007

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. - Aesop

The holiday season is fast approaching and our family is "Skipping Christmas" this year! Not the spirit or the meaning of Christmas, but the all of the hustle and bustle associated with the season.

We welcome a card from you, but respectfully request that in lieu of buying us a gift please do a random act of kindness for someone. This won’t cost you a dime, and I guarantee it will make you feel good. Here are a few ides....

  1. Say Hello

  2. Visit a friend

  3. Let another go first

  4. Forgive mistakes

  5. Share a smile

  6. Open a door

  7. Lend a hand

  8. Be tolerant

  9. Offer a hug

  10. Do an act of kindness everyday