Thursday, August 24, 2006

Say What? Pluto is not a Planet?

I was already upset when I found out my favorite TV Show, Stargate SG1, was not being renewed after 10 seasons, then today I get the news that Pluto is not a planet. News like this makes you wonder, WTF?

There are some thinks that we think we know for sure... The earth is round, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and there are nine planets. Well so much for what we know!

That's right, Pluto's out!

Discovered by American Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, Pluto has been considered a planet my entire life. But today, the International Astronomical Union (who the heck are these guys?) voted to remove Pluto as a planet. You know you got a lot a clout when you can ban a planet.

Now our solar system consist of 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and 4 plutons or Pluto-like entities: Pluto itself, Ceres, 2003 UB313 and Charon.

Now Moms everywhere are scrambling to revamp those science fair projects (Not to mention all the textbooks and encyclopedias publishers.)

So now I sit Plutoless, watching Stargate SG1 reruns, and saving-up to complete my SG1 DVD Collection.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

53 days to my next Cruise!

I am going through what I consider to be "cruise withdrawals." Considering I cannot swim, I have no idea why I enjoy being afloat for days at a time. But I really do.

It has been 8 months since my last cruise (last December); so I am actually longing for the pampering service that I receive on a cruise ship.

Each year, for the past 7 years, I along with a group of avid readers have vacationed together on the African American Book Club Summit at Sea. This October would have been our 8th annual literary adventure. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the event was postponed until 2007. So my cruise "Jones" really set in. Not to fear, many of my fellow cruise addicts (and AABCS participants) deciding to still go on a cruise, during our annual time slot, the third week in October.

So in 53 days we set sail for our Family and Friends Cruise and I can't wait!

Diva Blogging

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth; I have actually been blogging for "Divas for a Cure."

For 23 days, my little sis Jan along with a great group of "Buffalo Soldiers" traveled across country and back, with one purpose - raising money for cancer research. They faced the elements of the universe (heat and rain); and of course there was a little "diva drama", but all in all (another EWF pun) they made it and raised over $25,000.00 in the process.

To check out what I have been blogging about for the past month please go to: