This month has caused me to reflect on my life and reevaluate just what is important.
Last week, a friend and co-worker passed away following a brief but courageous bought with Cancer. This past Monday, my father-in-law passed away. This happen the same day I was given the news that my job of 20 plus years was just going away, "deemed unnecessary" was the exact term. Had I been given that news a month ago, I probably would have been devastated. However, compared to losing a loved-one, this news seemed both trifle and of little significance. After all, the job has served it purpose. I had the opportunity to raise a wonderful child, provide him with a college education and send him into the world as an intelligent educated black man. For what more could a mother ask ?
I have never been the type of person to hold one job anyway. I really should have been Jamaican. I have done catering, floral arranging, written and directed plays, owned a performing arts studio, taught dance, sold clothes, designed greeting cards, and owned a successful web design business, all while holding down a full-time job. Perhaps, it really is time for a change.
I will probably be put into another position (Or out to pasture, LOL), after all I am a dedicated employee. But I will truly miss the comradely I have with my current coworkers. No one could ask to work with a more talented group of eclectic individuals. I will miss seeing their faces each day and the sharing of stories of our life's journey.
Well, I don't know what is around the corner for me, but I do know that God does not make mistakes. This means that there is something wonderful waiting for me, a new adventure, and I just can't wait to see what it is.
1 comment:
I was so sorry to hear about your and R's losses and have kept you both in my prayers. You are so right. The end of a job is trite in comparison. You are so talented though that God surely has something bigger and better in store. But then I've always thought you would do extremely well as a self-employed consultant too because you're so disciplined and organized. I remember we talked about this--was it last year?--about your next move. I guess it really was time for you to move on. {Heck, it was time when they started restricting Internet usage, you know!?}
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