Friday, September 03, 2010

“Getting to Know You” Shoe edition!

We always are getting those "Getting to Know You" questionnaires, but none of them deal with life’s important issues, like shoes.  Therefore,  I made up my own! 

So whether you are a Bargainista or a Fashionista, this is the "Getting to Know You Shoe edition!"
  1. The first pair of shoes you remember wearing?  Snow boots in Chicago Winter (they were hard to take off.)
  2. The first pair of shoes you purchase with your own money?  A pair of black and white, Chuck Taylor Converse when I was in Jr. High.   I had them in the layaway for months.
  3. Your favorite pair of childhood shoes?  Black Patent Leather Easter Shoes
  4. Your favorite pair of shoes that someone else wore when you were a child?  My mom’s oldest sister always looked like she stepped out of a magazine.  She had shoes covered in the same fabric as her outfits.
  5. Your all-time favorite pair of shoes ?  A pair of Royal Blue and Peacock Color trimmed Platforms, that I bought at Goldsmiths.  I was about 6 feet tall when I wore them.  Another lengthy layaway.
  6. Espadrilles or Stilettos? Stilettos of course!
  7. Sling Backs or Pumps?  Man, I like them both.  But Pumps if I have to choose.
  8.  Flats or Heels?  Heels.
  9. Athletic Shoes or Flip Flops?  Flip Flops.
  10. Favorite Type of Shoe?  A Red Stiletto
  11. Your least Favorite Type of Shoe?  Clogs.  I always have hated them.
  12. The most you’ve ever spent on a pair of shoes? Around $200, I had a weak moment. ‘Cause y’all know I am a bargain girl.
  13. The least you’ve ever spent of a pair of shoes?  One dollar – resale store.
  14. The sexist pair of shoes you ever owned?  A pair of red snake skin stilettos from the Wild Pair.  I still have them in my closet (they are about 20 years old!)
  15. The ugliest pair of shoes you ever owned? Penny Loafers.  Why?
  16. Finish this sentence:  If the shoe fits…buy it in every color.
  17. Your favorite shoe quote:  “I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes”  Oprah Winfrey
  18. Your most comfortable shoes – My white Fit Flops
  19. Your favorite store – It used to be Shoe Cents, but they closed.   Now, it is DSW Warehouse.
  20. Your favorite shoe memory – Making a pair of Fur covered boots when I was in the twelve grade.  I got so many compliments, because they were totally mod!

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