With all of the hoopla about the $99.00 HP Touchpad, I realized that overall; I am just not a tablet fan. This could be considered another installment of my “woes of an early adopter” saga, but really I just don’t get it.
I owned a first generation
and was soooooooooo excited about the possibilities but overall, I wasn’t thrilled with the digital reader experience. I decided to sit back and wait on some other alternatives, and boy did they come running. I have friends with different readers, but other than the thrill of instant access, I haven’t been swayed to buy another one.
Thus comes the tablet...
I started looking into Tablet PCs, and when the
was announce at CES 2011 back in January, it instantly moved to the top of my wish list. As soon as they became available I purchased on
(via Verizon) with a 5 GB data plan. Overall, I like the performance of the Xoom, but most of the features/apps that I use were already available on my Droid.
Now don’t get it twisted, it is sexy as hell, but I still much rather be on my desktop rocking my two humongous monitors. Also, to me it is very heavy
(aka not real girly). But since I “had” to have one, I am please with my choice. And… after searching high and low, I finally found the cutest Xoom cover by
(it was the third case I purchased, but I love this one!)
So overall, I am waiting for the tablet phenomenal to grow on me. I finally broke down and loaded a game,
Angry Birds
, and I must admit I do like it
(but don’t tell anyone!)
Of course, had I been able to snatch up one of those $99.00 HPs I would have done so,
in a New York minute! It is much like a shoe sale, you just can’t walk away empty handed.