Today is the last day for early voting in Texas. If you haven't done so, vote early. I think it will be a lot easier (and a lot less mess) if you do. I voted this past Wednesday, no lines at all. My son Kam flew in last week to vote, in his words he wanted to be the first person in our family to vote for a Black man for President. We gladly gave him that honor, but we all quickly followed suite.
If you are a friend of mine, most likely you have voted already, because that is "how we roll"! However, just in case you are in an area that doesn't have early voting, I know that you will do the right thing on Tuesday. But what we have to do is encourage some of our lazy friends, relatives, and co-workers to vote. We need, and are ready for CHANGE!
We have some challenging and stressful days ahead, this election has been one of historical significance. Please continue to pray for Barack Obama, he is going to need both our prayers and support in the days ahead.
If you feel so inclined, please join me as I fast and pray during the lunch hour on Tuesday for our country, our people, and for our next president. Stay strong and go vote!