Needless to say, I was pissed! I don't want any one messing with any of my babies!!! At that time, I started a web site for Kohl, where many of you posted your positive comments and she received many accolades from extinguished authors in the African American community. She received world wide recognition for her poem and writing skills including media attention that resulted in the poem being published in many venues.
Since then, Kohl went on to graduate from high school with honors, and has since graduated from Hampton University.
I am proud to share with you that Kohl has been accepted to the Clinton School of Public Service, where she is one of 30 students selected to pursue a masters degree in public service. The Clinton School is a branch of the University of Arkansas.
I am always excited to see our young people do well as they reach for the stars. I am very proud of her, and so happy to share her good news with you.
Here is a little more about Kohl and the Clinton School:
- Kohl Fallin - A native of Huntsville, Ala., Fallin graduated from Hampton University with a degree in Public Relations and Political Science. For the past year, she has served as a staff assistant to Congressman John P. Sarbanes of the U.S. House of Representatives, acting as a constituent services specialist, among other duties. She has also worked with Congressman Bud Cramer of Alabama’s 5th district and been a legal service intern with the Washington, D.C. firm of Friend, Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson. She received the Martin Luther King Jr. Profiles in Courage Award from the Huntsville Madison County Democratic Women in 2004.