Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Breaking Tradition

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a Christmas-aholic!

There is no greater thrill for me that to find the perfect Chocolate Santa or Christmas ornament. Not just during the holiday season, oh no, for me the hunt begins the day after Christmas and continues throughout the year. So last year after Christmas, when I announced that I would be skipping Christmas this year, my family and friends gave a sly chuckle and said "um-hum, sure you will."

Well, here we are deep into December, and I have stuck to my guns. Instead of hosting my family for Christmas this year, I opted for Thanksgiving. While this holiday still involves the great cooking of the mighty feast, it doesn’t include the decorating and the mad rush for buying gifts.

There have been three major perks to my decision to "Skip Christmas" this year;
NO Decorating, NO Shopping, and No Cooking!

No Decorating…

There is no Christmas tree in my house. There… I said it.

I feel like this is a part of some twelve-step program. Not a tree, not a wreath, no lights, not a Santa. (OK, I am lying there are a few Santas, but they all are 2007 Santas.) None of the Santas that reside in the attic or closets were allowed to come out, lol!

No Shopping…

I purchased a lot of things during the after Christmas sale last year. Also, throughout the year if I say something fabulous that I wanted to put up for the holiday I got it. However, after Halloween, I made it a point to purchase all of my gifts online, especially for those gifts that needed to be shipped. No shopping malls… No Post Office, wow, I could learn to live with this.

No Cooking…

As I mentioned my mom visited me during Thanksgiving so I had the opportunity to share the kitchen with her, and eat some of her delightfully delicious dressing. I have had a LOT of dressing in my life, but no one comes close to my moms. I have some in my freezer so when everyone else is eating their holiday leftovers, I will break out mine from Thanksgiving.

Since my son "the big time New York Media Mogul" has to work both Christmas and New Year’s it wasn’t too hard for me to opt to go on a cruise. I can handle being queen for a day (well, in this case 5 days) and having people wait on me hand and foot!

While cruising (and thinking of you, of course) I will be reading some good books; listening to some great holiday music classics; and dancing the night away with my handsome hubby.

I am so thankful that I was blessed to live another year and have wonderful family and friends in my life, and I look forward to the blessings that await me in 2008. I wish each of you good health, a safe and happy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

Tis the season to be jolly! Check out our holiday message: